제품소개 Products
습도 발생기 Dew Point Generator
습도 발생기 Dew Point Generator
습도 발생기 Dew Point Generator 모델명: PPMG101

► Precision dual float flow meters, plus a precision, switchable double dilution source provides for a wide dew point dynamic range of- 80C to 15C

► Large diameter, high resolution temperature gauge easily viewable.

► No electrical power needed

► Portable

► Easy to fill saturator

► A complete calibration transfers standard system when paired with the Roscid chilled mirror hygrometer

제품 카달로그

Roscid Technologies dew point generator, the model PPMG101, is a precision moisture generator able to create a wide range of moisture levels. It can be used as a standalone verification unit or used in synchrony with a NIST traceable chilled mirror hygrometer (Roscid’s DewTran) to create a transfer standard calibration system for metrology labs, R & D and field calibrations.
