제품소개 Products

휴대용 습도발생장치 모델명: RH CAL
► Edgetech field proven Optical Chilled Mirror (OCM) technology
► Completely self-sufficient and portable humidity calibration system
► Highest accuracy available for both RH and temperature (AT): RH Accuracy: ± 0.5% RH Range: 5% to 95% AT Accuracy: ± 0.2°C AT Range: 10°C to 50°C
► Temperature and RH controlled independently
► Automatic correction for mirror contaminants
► Certified measurements against NIST traceable standards
► Standard features, where others charge extra
제품 카달로그
Unlike other comparative systems RH CAL is entirely self-sufficient. It does not need compressed air or a water connection to operate, which allows this system to be truly portable.
RH CAL is a microprocessor based, programmable humidity calibration system that is at home in the metrology lab or out in the field performing on site NIST traceable humidity calibrations. The system offers the highest accuracy available for both relative humidity and ambient temperature.
With RH CAL, temperature and relative humidity are controlled independently; therefore, you are not limited to performing calibrations at the surrounding ambient temperature, which may not be appropriate for your unique calibration protocol. Using Edgetech’s Optical Chilled Mirror (OCM) primary measurement technique for traceability and feedback control, RH CAL is a standalone, portable humidity calibration system.
Contributing to RH CAL’s ease of use are features such as maintenance reducing Automatic Balance Cycle (ABC), an integral ambient temperature probe and D2 chilled mirror sensor which are located in the sample chamber providing not only superior accuracy but the fastest response.