제품소개 Products
Mechanical calibration system
Mechanical calibration system
Mechanical calibration system
Mechanical calibration system 모델명: 7791

▶ Measurement without displacement of the force application point

▶ Due to a special force transmission system, the mechanical calibration device no. 7791 avoids a displacement of the point of application of force during the calibration process.

▶ driven by the handwheel, the lever mounted below the test rail is moved linearly by a spindle

▶ the linear movement is converted into a rotary movement which acts on the transducer

▶ the torque spanner to be calibrated remains constant in its position during the entire calibration process

제품 카달로그

▶ Measurement without shifting the point of application of force

▶ STAHLWILLE: For over 160 years, we as a traditional German company from Wuppertal have stood for tools that are appreciated around the world for their excellent quality
