제품소개 Products
Fast Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer
Fast Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer
Fast Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer
Fast Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer 모델명: ZRO 2000

▶ Measurement Ranges: 0-100% 
▶ Accuracy :  Percent: ±2% of reading or 0.05% absolute whichever is greater. Trace: ±2% of reading or ±0.5 ppm absolute whichever is greater.
▶ Response Time: < 5 seconds at 0.15 liters per minute (LPM) over 1 decade. The response time for measurements of less than 50 PPM or less depend to a great extent on the design of the sample delivery system including the materials used.
▶ Sensor Type: Zirconium Oxide
▶ Operating Temperature of Analyzer: 50° to 104°F (10° to 40°C)

제품 카달로그
제품 메뉴얼

Advanced Solid State Sensor:  Provides High Precision Oxygen Measurements

Measures PPB to 100%:  One Instrument Does It All

Response in Milliseconds:  Provides Exceptional Tracking of Process Conditions.

Non-depleting Sensor:  Designed to Provide Years of Operation

User Scalable Analog Outputs:  Better Defines the Concentration Range of Interest 

Dual User Adjustable Alarms:  Set Critical Process Limits 

Microprocessor Controller:  Helps to Ensure Dependable and Accurate Readings

Built-in Sample By-Pass gas:  Helps to promote rapid transport of the sample gas
