제품소개 Products
Percent Oxygen Monitor
Percent Oxygen Monitor
Percent Oxygen Monitor
Percent Oxygen Monitor 모델명: OXY-SEN

▶ Measurement Range: 0-100% oxygen (gas phase)
▶ Measurement Error:  ±1% of full scale (at 77°F and 29.92” Hg)
▶ Response Time: 90% of full scale in under 30 seconds
▶ Sensor Type: Long-life ambient temperature electrochemical
▶ Temperature Compensation: Standard
▶ Operating  Temperature Range: 40° to 104°F (5° to 40°C)

제품 카달로그
제품 메뉴얼

Extended Life Oxygen Sensor:  Expected Life upwards of 3-4 years

Acid Gas Resistant Sensor:  Operates well in harsh atmospheres

Low Cost of Ownership

Excellent Speed of Response:  Responds instantaneously to changes in oxygen
