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잔류 오일측정기 Residual oil measurement 모델명: OIL CHECK 500
▶ Measured medium: Compressed air, nitrogen, (free from aggressive, corrosive, acid, toxic, flammable and oxidising compo nents). Further gases on request
▶ Measuring unit: Residual oil content in mg oil/norm m³ refered to 1.0 bar [abs], +20 °C, 0% relative humidity, in accordance with ISO 8573-1
▶ Field of application: After activated carbon filter, after activated carbon adsorber, after oil-free compressor, always with con nected upstream filtration and dryer
▶ Measuring range: 0,001…5 mg/m³ (higher measuring ranges on request)
▶ Measured values: mg/norm m³, pressure and temperature compensated residual oil vapour content
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