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통합형 드라이블럭
통합형 드라이블럭
통합형 드라이블럭
통합형 드라이블럭
통합형 드라이블럭 모델명: MC6-T

► Versatile state-of-the-art temperature calibrator with built-in multifunction process calibrator and communicator technology.

제품 카달로그

Versatility - Carry less

With the ability to generate temperature as well as to measure and simulate temperature and electrical signals, combined with pressure calibration capabilities and field communicator functionality, the MC6-T offers the most unique functionality available in one-device.

Carrying and maintaining less equipment is a better way.

Beamex MC6-T temperature calibrator

Superior metrological specifications and performance

The active multizone (triple / dual) temperature control technology ensures an excellent temperature gradient and compensates for the heat loss caused by the temperature sensors installed in the insert.

Beamex MC6-T temperature calibrator


Built-in Field Communicator

MC6-T includes a field communicator for HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and Profibus PA instruments.

With the help of the built-in communicator, you can calibrate, configure and trim/adjust your smart instruments with a single MC6-T without the need to carry a separate field communicator with you.

Beamex MC6-T temperature calibrator

Short and sanitary sensor calibration

The MC6-T150 is designed so that it enables the calibration of short and sanitary sensors. This is typically not possible with traditional temperature dry-blocks.

MC6-T150 can be provided with a dedicated insert used together with a special short reference sensor with flexible cable, enabling the calibration of short and sanitary sensors.

Beamex MC6-T short sanitary temperature sensor calibration

